Rice to host Galveston seawall design challenge

Rice to host Galveston seawall design challenge

Rice Design Alliance (RDA) will challenge architects, designers and the public to assess the Galveston seawall during the RDA’s annual design charrette and competition at Anderson Hall Aug. 8 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Participants will consider how to unite the disparate elements that give the island its distinct character. Winners will be announced at a public reception at Anderson Hall Aug. 10.

”After the devastation of Hurricane Ike, the RDA Partners Committee felt it was important to focus on Galveston,” said Kathryn Fosdick, the organization’s associate director of programs. “By gathering to think through ideas of tourism, sustainability and city improvement, we can bring designs to the table that may otherwise never be seen or considered.”

The entry fee of $20 per person ($15 for RDA members) covers breakfast, a box lunch and refreshments. The competition is open to architects and nonarchitects, individuals or teams of up to five.

Click here for an application.

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