Rice’s United Way campaign now accepting donations

Rice’s United Way campaign now accepting donations


Faculty and staff can help the less fortunate in the Houston community by making a donation to Rice’s 2011-12 United Way campaign, which will officially kick off Sept. 9.

Last year Rice’s campaign broke all records by raising more than $190,000. During the first month of the campaign, Rice achieved 23 percent of its overall goal.

“Because of your generosity, we’re able to touch one out of every two lives,” United Way of Greater Houston President Anna Babin said at an event celebrating the success of last year’s campaign. “You’re making an investment in your community.”

As a member of the Rice family, employees’ contributions to United Way not only help the entire Houston community, they also support the university’s Vision for the Second Century commitment to engaging with the city.

Rice employees can make a pledge payable by payroll deductions spread over all paychecks in calendar (and tax) year 2012 by logging in to ESTHER (esther.rice.edu) and filling out the United Way form. To make a cash, check or credit card contribution (for tax year 2011), print, complete and mail the pledge form found at www.rice.edu/unitedway.

For more information on the United Way campaign, visit www.rice.edu/unitedway.

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