Continuing Studies earns Brandy Award

The Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies received a Brandy Award from Public Affairs this week for its proper use and promotion of the university brand. Jennifer Egenolf, director of marketing for the Glasscock School, accepted the award at the Communicators’ Forum Sept. 13.

Brandy Awards recognize excellence usingGlasscock School of Continuing Studies the university brand standards to help Rice develop a stronger presence with all of its constituents.

The Glasscock School was recognized for its extensive and successful integration of the Centennial Celebration mark and “Celebrate Rice” text treatment into its internal and external communications.

Previous recipients of the Brandy Award have been the Graduate Student Association, the Rice Bookstore, Graduate and Postodoctoral Studies, IT Web Services, the School of Social Sciences, Parking and Transportation, the Barbara and David Gibbs Recreation and Wellness Center, Rice University Police Department, the Shepherd School of Music, the George R. Brown School of Engineering and Facilities Engineering and Planning.

For information on Rice’s identity standards, visit

To be considered for a Brandy Award, send an email to with “Brandy” in the subject line and an explanation of how the entry meets the criteria: branding, creativity, consistency, effectiveness, integration, support for Rice priorities, such as the Vision for the Second Century, Unconventional Wisdom and the Centennial Celebration. Winners are honored at Public Affairs’ Communicators’ Forums.


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The Rice News is produced weekly by the Office of Public Affairs at Rice University.