Alex Butler, associate professor of finance at the Jones Graduate School of Business, was appointed to the Society for Financial Studies Council in December.
Shiva Sivaramakrishnan, the Henry Gardiner Symonds Professor of Accounting at the Jones Graduate School of Business, was the co-recipient of the 2012 Impact on Management Accounting Practice Award. He accepted the award at the Management Accounting Section Midyear Conference in New Orleans Jan. 11.
Scott Sonenshein, associate professor of management at the Jones Graduate School of Business, will join the new editorial team for the Academy of Management Journal as an associate editor July 1.
Ewa Thompson, research professor of Slavic studies, received a Civic Achievement Award for founding and editing the Sarmatian Review, a triquarterly on non-Germanic Central Europe, at the annual meeting in January of the Polish American Historical Association in New Orleans. Thompson also published “Stefan Zeromski’s ‘Ashes’ as a Postcolonial Narrative” in Historica.
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