Rice students, faculty and staff will have a unique opportunity to be part of conversations about Title IX and the prevention of sexual violence. Two attorneys representing the nationally known law firm Pepper Hamilton LLP will visit campus Feb. 10 and 11 as part of the Wellbeing Project: SAFE (Sexual Assault-Free Environment).
Leslie Gomez and Gina Maisto Smith were invited to speak at Rice after Dean of Undergraduates John Hutchinson, Associate Dean Don Ostdiek and members of the Student Wellbeing Office saw their presentations at a United Educators conference and at a meeting of the Association of American Universities.
Gomez and Smith are partners in the Education Counseling, Litigation and Investigation Services and White Collar Litigation and Investigations groups of Philadelphia-based Pepper Hamilton. Gomez is a former chief of the Juvenile Unit at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, and Smith is a former sex crimes and homicide prosecutor for the same office. The duo frequently speak at college campuses and advise schools about sexual misconduct policies, changes in the law and investigations of allegations of sexual violence and sexual harassment.
On Feb. 10 the two attorneys will host a community forum intended only for students from 8:30 to 10 p.m. in Brockman Hall, Room 101. Students are welcome to ask questions and share concerns about sexual misconduct during this private forum.
On Feb. 11 faculty, staff and students can attend a training session with Gomez and Smith from 9 to 11 a.m. in Rice Memorial Center’s Grand Hall. Topics will include the background and history of Title IX, a portion of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972 that prohibit gender-based discrimination, including sexual harassment of students that could interfere with their right to an education free from discrimination; the dynamics of sexual violence; the designation of “responsible employees” and their obligations to report sexual misconduct involving students. RSVPs for the Feb. 11 session are requested: https://signup.rice.edu/safeforum/.
Both events are free and are sponsored by the dean of undergraduates, Student Wellbeing and Rice Counseling Center, the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Title IX Support and the Student Association Wellbeing Committee.
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