Coming events

March 24: CTBP seminar: ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Genetic Incompatibilities’

March 26: Lunch with the dean for Mechanical Engineering graduate students

March 26: Arts in the Humanities Lecture Series: ‘Arts, the Environment and Sustainability in the Near Future’ by Ian Garrett

March 27: Rice 360º National Undergraduate Global Health Technologies Design Competition

April 8: Electrical and Computer Engineering Corporate Affiliates Day 2015

Full schedule of events at Rice

To have your event appear in the “Coming Events” section of Rice News, email a request to Include the event name, date and a link to the posting in the Rice University events calendar or other Web page where details about the event can be found. For more information about promoting events in Rice News, visit



About Arie Passwaters

Arie Wilson Passwaters is editor of Rice News.