Brandon Martin, manager of videography in the Office of Public Affairs, won two awards in the Videographer Awards’ 19th annual Video Competition: an award of excellence for editing of “Mighty Casey” and an award of distinction in the education institution category for “A look back at 2014.” The Videographer Awards recognizes outstanding video production across all media.
DermaShift, a 2014-2015 Rice senior engineering team, won first place in the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, Biotransport Conference undergraduate design project competition for rehabilitation and assistive devices. The team designed a low-cost, portable diagnostic device for pressure ulcer formation in collaboration with doctors at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Team members were Hope Atina, Francisca Acosta, Patrick Wilson, Kim Le and Andrea Pinto, all bioengineering majors. The team also won the 2015 Willy Revolution Award for Innovation in Engineering Design at this year’s Engineering Design Showcase. Eric Richardson, a Rice lecturer in bioengineering, and Gary Woods, a professor in the practice of computer technology and electrical and computer engineering, were their faculty advisers.
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