People, papers and presentations

Two Houston-based architecture studios directed by Rice University faculty members are among the four winners of this year’s Texas Society of Architects Studio Awards. Interloop Architecture, directed by Dawn Finley, an associate professor of architecture, and Mark Wamble, a professor in the practice of architecture, won for J-Camp, a design for a year-round camp on Lake Texoma to serve children in the Dallas-Forth Worth area. WW Architecture, directed by Ron Witte, an associate professor of architecture, and Sarah Whiting, the William Ward Watkin Dean of the Rice School of Architecture, won for the Kaihui Exchange, an environmental business and tourism center for Changsha, China. The awards recognize unbuilt projects that demonstrate innovation and excellence in design. The winning projects were chosen from 72 entries.

The 2015 edition of the Campanile, for which Anastasia Bolshakov ’15 was editor in chief, is a finalist for the College Media Association’s Pinnacle Award for four-year yearbook of the year. The Campanile has also been named a finalist in three other categories: best yearbook cover, best yearbook news page/spread and best yearbook sports page/spread. The winners will be announced at the National College Media Convention in Austin Oct. 28-Nov. 1.




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