Experts meet at Rice forum to discuss effects of Houston’s air pollution

City and community leaders joined researchers from Rice University, the University of Houston and the Environmental Defense Fund on Sept. 25 to discuss the acute effects of air pollution on Houston’s most vulnerable populations and to identify strategies for applying new research insights to the city’s most critical air quality challenges.

This event, “Bringing Houston Air Pollution Research to Local Action: Acute Health Effects for Vulnerable Populations,” was hosted by Rice’s Center for Civic Leadership, Air Alliance Houston and the Houston Endowment. It was presented in collaboration with the Union of Concerned Scientists and held at Rice’s Glasscock School of Continuing Studies.

Participants included David Persse (Public Health Authority, city of Houston), Stephen Williams (Department of Health and Human Services), Elena Marks (Episcopal Health Foundation), Juliet Stipeche (Houston Independent School District Board of Education), Juan Parras (T.E.J.A.S.), Israel Anderson (Environmental Protection Agency), Hilton Kelly (Community In-Power Development Association), Elizabeth Love (Houston Endowment), Beth Stevenson (special adviser in community health), Daniel Price (University of Houston), Marcelo Norsworthy (Environmental Defense Fund) and several faculty experts from Rice: Katherine Ensor, Loren Raun, Justin Denny and Robert Griffin. (Photo by Jeff Fitlow)

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About Amy McCaig

Amy is a senior media relations specialist in Rice University's Office of Public Affairs.