Members of the Rice community are invited to participate in an online survey to help define the university’s strategic plan for the next five to 10 years.
In answering 11 critical questions to address the future of the university, Rice students, faculty, staff, postdocs, parents, alumni and others will shape the creation of the Vision for the Second Century, part two (V2C2), a strategic document to guide Rice’s decision-making over the next decade and help establish priorities for the next capital campaign.
Twelve years ago, Rice began a similar series of conversations to define the university’s future. That process was called the “Call to Conversation,” and it led to the adoption by the Rice Board of Trustees of the Vision for the Second Century (V2C), a new mission statement and 10-point plan that would guide Rice and shape the university’s goals and aspirations for the next decade.
“While the V2C remains relevant and important, much has changed in the past 12 years, both at Rice and in the world of higher education,” Leebron wrote. “We don’t yet know whether the V2C2 will be closely based on the V2C, but it will likely incorporate some elements as well as new ideas and priorities.”
Over the next half year, Rice will embarkĀ on a series of conversations that will in the fall result in the V2C2. “We need your participation to help generate the ideas and advancements that will fuel our future success,” he wrote.
Responses to the online survey will be accepted through March 19.