Hotline and website available to report problems confidentially

“We often say that if you see something, then say something. But what if you can’t? What if you are worried or unsure? That is why we have a hotline,” said Janet Covington, director of internal audit.

image of hands holding a smartphone; on the right are the words "private & confidential"Rice University’s hotline is a great resource for members of the Rice community who may have observed or experienced improper behavior, Covington said. “People can raise important issues or ask questions and, if they prefer, they can do so confidentially and anonymously by calling or making an online report through our contracted vendor, EthicsPoint.”

EthicsPoint allows people to communicate with Rice’s administration or Board of Trustees. Any member of the Rice community, including faculty, staff, students and visitors, may use EthicsPoint to report concerns regarding matters such as financial misconduct, inappropriate employment practices or actions, research misconduct, sexual harassment, workplace violence, unsafe work conditions, possible violations of law, accounting/auditing/internal control processes and many other issues. The hotline is also one of the many resources available to report (even anonymously) sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. More information is available at

“You can access EthicsPoint’s website or toll-free number from anywhere, including from home if you’d rather not use a Rice computer,” Covington said. “If you want to remain anonymous, there’s an anonymous chat feature that allows you to schedule a time to discuss your concerns online or provide additional information. Or you can communicate back and forth through e-messages. It is up to the reporting party how they want to interface with EthicsPoint.”

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to communicate their concerns directly through personal meetings with a supervisor or other administrator whenever possible and appropriate, but the important thing is to speak up, Covington said.

“We view EthicsPoint as another way for our community to raise concerns or ask questions,” she said.

To contact EthicsPoint online, visit The website includes frequently asked questions and a link to Rice University policies.

To contact EthicsPoint by phone, call the toll-free number, 866-294-4633. The EthicsPoint operators can take reports in English or Spanish. Arrangements can be made to take reports in other languages, if needed.

If you have questions about EthicsPoint or other methods for reporting questions or concerns about workplace behavior, contact Covington at 713-348-6312. More information on the many ways to report concerns is also available on Rice’s Compliance website at

About B.J. Almond

B.J. Almond is senior director of news and media relations in Rice University's Office of Public Affairs.