Dateline Rice for Nov. 22, 2017


Venezuela greases OPEC’s wheels with less oil
An op-ed on Venezuela’s oil industry mentions Francisco Monaldi, a fellow in Latin American energy policy at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, who said the country’s oil production is dropping about 10 percent each year and is expected to do so into 2018. Monaldi is also quoted in a story on negotiations to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Bloomberg Businessweek (This article also appeared at Petroleum World.)
KUT-FM (Austin, Texas) (Click the audio button to listen to the broadcast.)


Lawmakers and consumer groups want patients better protected
Vivian Ho, the James A. Baker III Institute Chair in Health Economics at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and professor of economics, is quoted in stories on Texas lawmakers vowing action following a Houston Chronicle article that showed patients are being used as leverage when doctors and insurers fight over money. Ho also is quoted in a story on prescription drug prices.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the San Antonion Express-News, and it appeared on the front page of the Nov. 22 print edition of the Chronicle with a different headline, “A pledge to protect patients.”)
Chronicle’s ‘Blindsided’ article on surprise medical billing forments outrage in Austin
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the San Antonio Express-News.)
Fighting for change: Why do we pay so much for prescription drugs?

Venezuela detains Citgo executives in corruption case
Mark Jones, the Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Latin American Studies, professor of political science, fellow in political science at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and fellow at Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, is quoted in an article on Citgo executives being detained in Venezuela on corruption charges. Jones also is quoted in an article on Houston City Councilman Dwight Boykins considering a run for Texas governor in 2018, an article on Rep. Joe Barton, R-Ennis, and a story on a Gov. Greg Abbott’s support of Susanna Dokupil, a challenger to incumbent state Rep. Sarah Davis, R-Houston.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared on the front page of the Business section in the Nov. 22 print edition with a different headline, “6 Citgo officers held in bond inquiry.” )
Houston councilman mulls gubernatorial bid
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared in the San Antonio Express-News and Laredo Morning Times, and a similar article appeared in the Jago Times. It also appeared in the Nov. 22 print edition of the Chronicle with a different headline, “Houston city councilman weighing gubernatorial run.”)
Why Rep. Joe Barton sticks around as other Texans kiss Congress goodbye
Dallas Morning News (Subscription is required.)
KRLD-AM (Dallas) (Click the audio button to listen to the broadcast, which also aired on KLBJ-AM in Austin, Texas.)

What we learned from this year’s DEA National Drug Threat Assessment
Nathan Jones, nonresident scholar in drug policy and Mexico studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, discusses Mexican cartels gaining a foothold in Texas.
Texas Standard

Austin and Washington are hopeless on Harvey, but Houston isn’t
An article on recovery efforts in Houston following Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey mentions an online flood-mapping tool developed by the Kinder Institute for Urban Research.
Dallas Observer

Art gallery and museum listings: Nov. 23-29
“Mickalene Thomas: Waiting on a Prime-Time Star” at Rice’s Moody Center for the Arts is mentioned.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the San Antonio Express-News and Laredo Morning Times.)

‘First News with Keeler in the Morning’
President John F. Kennedy’s “Moon Speech” given at Rice Sept. 12, 1962 is mentioned.
WFXV-TV (Utica, N.Y.) (Click the video button to watch the broadcast.)
WIBX-AM (Utica, N.Y.) (Click the audio button to listen to the broadcast.)


Scientists develop nanomachines capable of killing cancer cells
Motorized molecules that target diseased cells may deliver drugs to or kill the cells by drilling into the cell membranes. Scientists at Rice, Durham (U.K.) and North Carolina State universities have demonstrated them on cancer and other cells. James Tour, the T.T. and W.F. Chao Chair in Chemistry and a professor of computer science and of materials science and nanoengineering, is quoted.
Geek Report


Once upon a November: ‘Anastasia’ turns 20!
Kate White, a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Languages and Intercultural Communication, discusses the 20th anniversary of the animated film “Anastasia” in a Q&A.
The Mary Sue


Video: Littrell’s Week 13 press conference
University of North Texas football coach Seth Littrell discusses his team’s game against Rice Nov. 25.

Florida Atlantic remains on top of Conference USA Power Rankings
Rice is No. 12 in a ranking of Conference USA football teams.

Ranking all 130 college football teams
Rice is mentioned.
Athlon Sports & Life

‘8 News Now Good Day’
The Rice men’s basketball team’s Nov. 20 game against the University of Nevada at Las Vegas is mentioned.
KLAS-TV (Las Vegas) (Click the video button to watch the broadcast.)

Utah State men’s tennis announces spring schedule
The Rice men’s tennis team will face Utah State University during the upcoming season.

About Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is a senior editor in Rice University's Office of Public Affairs.