Rice junior wins BAHFest Houston 2018

Rice junior Habeen Chang accepts BAHFest Houston 2018 top prize
Habeen Chang (left), a junior mathematics major from Will Rice College, accepts the top prize Feb. 17 from BAHFest Houston 2018 emcee Joel Watson. The science comedy show, a Houston Food Bank benefit that was rescheduled due to Hurricane Harvey, was sponsored by Rice’s Department of BioSciences and drew more than 500 attendees at Stude Concert Hall. Chang took top honors — a $500 cash prize and plastic trophy of alchemist Hennig Brand boiling his own urine in hopes of producing gold — for his talk “Nonclassical Computing With Quexes as an Alternative to Qubits.” BAHFest is a celebration of well-argued and thoroughly researched — but completely incorrect — scientific theory. (Photo by Rob DenBleyker)

About Jade Boyd

Jade Boyd is science editor and associate director of news and media relations in Rice University's Office of Public Affairs.