Texas colleges postpone graduations as COVID-19 pandemic rages on
An article features a March 13 procession of graduating Rice seniors through the Sallyport after plans were announced by the university to complete the spring semester online. While Rice’s May commencement ceremony is still expected to take place at some point, many students may not be able to return to campus. The article quotes the following members of the Rice community: President David Leebron, who also attended the impromptu ceremony; Martel College’s Gabrielle Falcon; Lovett College’s Ariana Engles; and McMurtry College’s Sahil Patel. Rice’s Marching Owl Band provided music for the event.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the March 19 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared online in the San Antonio Express-News.)
Is Mexico’s president ready to confront coronavirus?
Tony Payan, the Françoise and Edward Djerejian Fellow for Mexico Studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and director of the institute’s Center for the United States and Mexico, is quoted.
If coronavirus forecasts are accurate, Mexico will be a few beds short
Mexico News Daily
When will coronavirus end? What wartime and human kindness can tell us about what happens next
Douglas Brinkley, the Katherine Tsanoff Brown Professor in Humanities, is quoted.
USA Today (This article appeared in the March 19 print edition and a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
Oil prices crash below bottom of recent historic bust; floor not apparent
Kenneth Medlock, senior director of the Center for Energy Studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared on the front page of the March 19 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared in the March 19 print edition of the San Antonio Express-News.)
Houston-area hospitals lack beds for widespread coronavirus outbreak, Harvard researchers say
Vivian Ho, the James A. Baker III Institute Chair in Health Economics at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy’s Center for Health and Biosciences, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared on the front page of the March 19 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared online in the San Antonio Express-News and the San Francisco Chronicle.)
‘It’s going to hurt’: New coronavirus shocks Texas economy as length of public health crisis remains unknown
An article quotes John Diamond, the Edward A. and Hermena Hancock Kelly Fellow in Public Finance at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and director of its Center for Public Finance, and Larry Stuart, lecturer of management at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business. Diamond is quoted in KPRC Online.
Texas Tribune (This article also appeared in 10 other media outlets.)
The coronavirus could re-shape what our future economy looks like
KPRC Online (This article also appeared in KTRH Online.)
Texas transit agencies are still getting front-line responders and low-income Texans to work. But service may change as the crisis continues.
Kyle Shelton, director of strategic partnerships at Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, is quoted.
Texas Tribune (This article also appeared in KSAT Online and The Eagle)
’13 Eyewitness News’
Stephen Klineberg, founding director of the Kinder Institute for Urban Research and an emeritus professor of sociology, is interviewed about how the coronavirus pandemic may affect Houston’s industries and residents.
KTRK-TV (Houston)
Governor Abbott issues proclamation allowing for postponement of local elections set for May 2nd
Mark Jones, the Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Latin American Studies, professor of political science, fellow in political science at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and fellow at Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, is quoted and interviewed.
KRLD Online (This segment also aired 10 times on KRLD-AM in Dallas.)
Will November’s general election be postponed? Not likely
Bob Stein, the Lena Gohlman Fox Professor of Political Science at Rice, is quoted and interviewed.
KPRC Online
KTRH-AM (Houston)
http://dateline.rice/march-19-stein (This segment aired three times.)
North American oil and gas companies cut more than $15B from 2020 capex
Michelle Michot Foss, fellow in energy and minerals in the Center for Energy Studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.
S&P Global Platts
MBA class of 2020 faces tough summer or worse as recession looms
Philip Heavilin, executive director of career development at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business, is quoted.
MSN (This Bloomberg article also appeared in yesterday’s Dateline.)
The latest: Event cancellations around Houston due to the coronavirus outbreak
Articles mention that Rice will transition to online classes for the remainder of the spring semester.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required.)
Portraits from a pandemic: Houstonians’ lives in the time of coronavirus
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required.)
First-gen college students face extra challenges amid outbreak’s disruption
KERA News (This article also appeared in KETR Online.)
What you need to know: Texas universities take actions to limit spread of COVID-19
KXAN Online
A new Senate bill could mean a $2 billion windfall for startups outside of Silicon Valley and New York
An article mentions that Syzygy Plasmonics’ hydrogen fuel cell technology currently under development was pioneered at Rice.
http://dateline.rice/march-19-inc |