You touch your face 23 times an hour. Here’s how to stop.
An article features a list of five science-backed recommendations to help people stop touching their face and reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus. Jim Pomerantz, professor of psychological sciences, is quoted and interviewed.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the San Antonio Express-News, Connecticut Post and San Francisco Chronicle.)
’13 Eyewitness News’
KTRK-TV (Houston)
How to stop touching your face and flatten the curve with COVID-19: Science-backed suggestions for how to kick the habit
Psychologists to public: Here’s how to stop touching your faces
Medical Xpress
State will boom again if leaders address transportation, housing in the Texas Triangle [Opinion]
Bill Fulton, director of Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, co-authored an op-ed about how to support the Texas Triangle, an area comprised of 35 counties that holds 66% of the state’s population.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This op-ed also appeared in the April 3 print edition.)
How technology will change us after the COVID-19 pandemic is over
Klara Jelinkova, vice president for international operations and information technology and chief information officer at Rice, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the San Antonio Express-News and Connecticut Post.)
Fiscal interventions must stay targeted and apolitical, say public policy experts
All emergency financial actions the federal government takes during the pandemic should be temporary and targeted, according to a study by Rice researchers. Experts quoted are John Diamond, the Edward A. and Hermena Hancock Kelly Fellow in Public Finance at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and director of its Center for Public Finance, and Jorge Barro, fellow in public finance at the Baker Institute.
Remembering the oil bust: Coronavirus isn’t the first Houston meltdown we’ve seen [Opinion]
Michelle Michot Foss, fellow in energy and minerals in the Center for Energy Studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, authored an op-ed.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the April 3 print edition, and it appeared online in the San Antonio Express-News.)
Analysis: $100B stimulus package won’t be enough for health care industry
Vivian Ho, the James A. Baker III Institute Chair in Health Economics at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy’s Center for Health and Biosciences, is cited.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required.)
COVID-19 financial losses in the finance sector
The 360 Mag
5 most popular innovation stories in Houston this week
A team of Rice engineering experts and students developed a prototype of a bag valve mask ventilator that can be built for less than $300. Amy Kavalewitz, executive director of the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen, and Danny Blacker, OEDK engineering design supervisor, are featured in a broadcast by CW 39. Martel College senior Thomas Herring is featured in a broadcast by CTV.
Rice University engineers develop $300 ventilator, preparing to test on COVID-19 patient
CW 39 (This segment also aired twice on KIAH-TV in Houston.)
CTV (Ontario, Canada)
http://dateline.rice/april-3-herring (This segment aired six times.)
What we can do to help fight COVID-19
Photos: Heroes of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
MSN Malaysia (This article also appeared MSN India, MSN UK and The Face. This story also appeared in a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
Open-source ventilator projects developed by technology specialists
Electronics For U
’13 Eyewitness News’
A television broadcast features Peter Rodriguez, dean of Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business, discussing the economic downturn and surge in unemployment applications.
KTRK-TV (Houston)
http://dateline.rice/april-3-rodriguez (This segment aired twice.)
’13 Eyewitness News’
A television broadcast features alumna Stephanie Nguyen ’15, a former Rice women’s tennis player who is currently a cardiothoracic surgery resident treating coronavirus patients in New York City.
KTRK-TV (Houston)
Don’t bring your work messes home. Simple steps to working well in the midst of coronavirus.
An article features an upcoming book by Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein, the Henry Gardiner Symonds Professor of Management at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business, titled “Joy at Work: The Career-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.”
Daily on Energy: Cease-fire in the oil price war won’t be enough for industry
Jim Krane, the Wallace S. Wilson Fellow for Energy Studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.
Washington Examiner
INSIGHT: Saudi, Russia oil deal may delay storage crisis
Kenneth Medlock, senior director of the Center for Energy Studies at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.
Life after coronavirus will never be the same? Let’s just see about that
Douglas Brinkley, the Katherine Tsanoff Brown Professor in Humanities, is quoted.
The Daily News (This article also appeared in a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
College seniors hurried to squeeze in last school memories
An article features a March 13 procession of graduating Rice seniors through the Sallyport after plans were announced by the university to complete the spring semester online. While Rice’s May commencement ceremony is still expected to take place at some point, many students may not be able to return to campus. The article mentions President David Leebron, who also attended the impromptu ceremony, and that Rice’s Marching Owl Band provided music for the event.
Kokomo Tribune (This article also appeared in a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
Why religious congregations may be crucial to halting the spread of COVID-19
Elaine Howard Ecklund, professor of sociology and director of the Religion and Public Life Program at Rice, authored an op-ed.
Religion News Service (This op-ed also appeared in a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
Texas college students adjust to first week of online classes
An article quotes Martel College senior Georgia Belmont, who is currently completing her opera degree remotely.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required.)
Coronavirus: A Texas Medical Center continuing update
An article mentions that a team of Rice researchers has created an interactive map of all coronavirus cases in Texas.
TMC News
‘We’re trying to reduce rates’: Texas Medical Center responds to workers’ concerns about parking fees
An article mentions that a Rice Stadium parking lot is available for Texas Medical Center workers.
Click2Houston (This segment aired twice on KPRC-TV in Houston.)
Student newspaper editorial boards call for ‘lower standards’ during the coronavirus
An article features a recent editorial from the Rice Thresher.
Campus Reform
Editorial: UTA should enact a universitywide pass/fail option for students amid the COVID-19 outbreak
Additional articles mention that Rice has given students the option to choose “pass or fail” as a grading option.
The Shorthorn
http://dateline.rice/april-3-pass-fail |