Rice Architecture students Belle Carroll (B. Arch. ’21), Eric Kyle Cheung (B. Arch. ’21), Gabriella Feuillet (B. Arch. ’21), Tian Liu (M. Arch. ’21), Emma Scott (M. Arch. ’21) and Alfred Wei (M. Arch. ’21) are part of the inaugural Metropolis magazine Future 100 profile of graduating architecture and interior design students. All were nominated by Rice faculty based on their portfolios. Rice was tied with the University of Pennsylvania for the most students from any one school. The print edition of the magazine also features a profile of Troy Schaum, a Rice associate professor of architecture.
Konstantinos Mamouras, an assistant professor of computer science, won the best paper award at the EuroSys 2021 conference, held virtually this year in April. The paper, “PaSh: Light-touch Data-Parallel Shell Processing,” presents a system for parallelizing portable operating system interface (POSIX) shell scripts.