Bill to better protect Texas’ power grid against another weather storm gaining steam
Daniel Cohan, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and a Rice faculty scholar at the Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted and interviewed.
Fox 4 Online (This segment also aired three times on KDFW-TV in Dallas.)
KUT-AM (Austin, Texas)
The unsilenced majority vs. cancel culture
KTRH on Spreaker (This segment also aired on KTRH-AM in Houston.)
What should be done with the dome? (May 21, 2021)
Kirstin Matthews, fellow in science and technology policy at the Baker Institute for Public Policy, is interviewed about separating politics from science.
Houston Public Media (This segment also aired on KUHF-FM in Houston.)
‘CW 39 Weather and Traffic’
Sylvia Dee, assistant professor of Earth, environmental and planetary sciences, is interviewed about how climate change may affect flooding in Houston.
CW 39 (Houston)
‘ABC 13 Eyewitness on CW 39’
A broadcast features Rice’s Houston Asian American Archive and interviews alumna Anne Chao, manager of the archive and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Humanities.
CW 39 (Houston)
http://dateline.rice/may-21-chao (This segment aired six times and appeared in yesterday’s Dateline.)
Honeywell Arts Academy to host elite musicians from around the globe in 3-week program
Jones College junior Tim Rinehart is featured.
WANE Online
‘NewsChannel 9’
The Rice Management Co. is mentioned.
KTSM-TV (El Paso, Texas)
http://dateline.rice/may-21-rmc |