Eight summer interns won $200 prizes for the top posters at this year’s Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering Poster Symposium Aug. 4 at the BioScience Research Collaborative. The students presented 72 posters inspired by their summer projects, representing 10 bio-related Rice undergraduate research programs.
The winners:
Catherine Dunaway for “Bioremediation of Hexavalent-Chromium Contaminated Groundwater via Chromium(VI)-Reducing Shewanella Oneidensis.”
Maryam Elizondo for “Stereolithography of Biocompatible Hydrogels for Neuroregeneration.”
Keerthana Chakka for “Identifying Conditionally Essential Gene Relationships Across the Human Genome.”
Muhammad Musa for “Optimization of Reaction Conditions for Copper-Mediated Modification of Peptides Using Design of Experiment.”
Paige Raun for “Loading Iron Oxide Nanoparticles into T-cells via Nucleofection for Personalized Cancer Treatment.”
Daisy Alvarado for “Bereavement Exacerbates the Impact of Sleep on Inflammation.”
Victoria Songyang for “Cryo-EM Structural Refinement of Cancer Targets at Near-Atomic Resolution.”
Marvin Valverde for “Characterization of Shewanella Oneidensis SO0839 Transcription Factor.”
For more details, visit https://ibb.rice.edu/2017-ibb-poster-symposium.