Employees who fail to complete training may forfeit annual raise
As a part of Rice’s commitment to preventing harassment, ethical violations and data security breaches, the university has launched employee training efforts in the past. But starting this year, faculty and staff will see delays in or even forfeit their annual pay raises if they do not complete a universitywide training program.
Employees are asked to take the new R.I.C.E. Way Training Program through the Canvas website. It will take about an hour to finish three modules relating to ethical conduct, sexual harassment and information security. Employees who fail to do so will not be eligible for annual salary raises scheduled to take effect July 1, said Chief Compliance Officer Ken Liddle.
“We have offered training in the past, but unfortunately not everyone participated,” Liddle said, “It is important for the university to have a strong foundation to support an ethical environment, both so that people feel respected and valued and so that we meet our obligations under the law.”
On March 26, all staff and faculty received an email with a link and instructions for accessing the program. The deadline to complete the training is May 17. Employees who are on extended leave must complete it within 30 days of returning to work.
There is a grace period before pay raises will be affected. Employees who complete the training before June 1 will see no delay, but those who do so between June 1 and June 30 will not be eligible for a pay raise until Oct. 1, and employees who do not complete the training by July 1 will forfeit a pay raise this year.
Creating an ethical environment
In addition to training mandated by law, Liddle said the university strives to provide every employee a basic understanding of Rice policies and procedures.
The R.I.C.E. Way Training Program helps to ensure employees understand the policies and how to report violations. The three parts of the program include:
- The R.I.C.E. Way — discussing Rice’s Standards of Ethical Conduct, whistleblower policy and Ethicsline reporting.
- Information Security and Privacy — discussing appropriate data protection.
- Sexual Harassment Prevention — discussing both legal and behavioral expectations.
Faculty and staff designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) under the Clery Act will also see a fourth training module covering their responsibilities, as required by law.
“It is important that we have a common understanding about our responsibilities and our expectations,” Liddle said. “This is especially important when it comes to preventing harassment, protecting data and conducting our educational and research mission in an ethical and legal way.”
For more information on the training, timeline or consequences of non-completion, visit https://rucompliance.rice.edu/training.