Voting centers prove popular as half of Harris County voters cast ballots outside home precincts
Bob Stein, the Lena Gohlman Fox Professor of Political Science at Rice, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared on the front page of the Nov. 28 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared online in the Connecticut Post and a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
‘Vote your way’ overwhelmingly popular after Nov. 5 election
KHOU Online (This segment also aired on KHOU-TV in Houston.)
Planned Saturday runoff in top Houston city races revives debate about reengaging voters
Mark Jones, the Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Latin American Studies, professor of political science, fellow in political science at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and fellow at Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Nov. 30 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared online in the San Antonio Express-News, San Francisco Chronicle and Connecticut Post.)
Abbott, Patrick inaugurations’ cost above years past
The Brownsville Herald
The quiet runoff
Off the Kuff
Just like old times: In an era when shopping takes seconds, some businesses survive in one place for centuries. What’s their secret?
Anastasiya Zavyalova, assistant professor of strategic management at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business, is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Dec. 1 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared online in the San Antonio Express-News.)
International Olympiad draws first US team thanks to Katy student
An article about the first-ever U.S. National Astronomy Olympiad team, which was formed this year through a collaboration between Rice and Texas Southern University, quotes and pictures Patricia Reiff, professor of physics and astronomy and the associate director of the outreach program at the Rice Space Institute. Franklyn Pacheco, a high school teacher enrolled in the master of science teaching program at Rice, served as the team’s coach.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the San Antonio Express-News and in more than 25 other media outlets.)
Norie Guthrie is preserving Houston’s folk scene one reel at a time
An article about the Houston Blues Museum’s archives, which are housed at the Woodson Research Center at Rice’s Fondren Library, features Norie Guthrie, archivist and special collections librarian at Woodson.
Houstonia Magazine (This article also appeared in the December 2019 print edition.)
Mystery still surrounds gene-edited babies and Rice connection
An article about gene editing in humans mentions Michael Deem, the John W. Cox Professor of Biochemical and Genetic Engineering and a professor of physics and astronomy.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. A similar article also appeared in the Nov. 29 print and online editions of the San Antonio Express-News, and it appeared online in the San Francisco Chronicle and Connecticut Post.)
Why Texas must ban nonconsensual pelvic exams [Opinion]
Rice students Celeste Biltz, Allie Gonzalez, Carolyn Daly and Krithika Shamanna co-authored an op-ed.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Dec. 1 print edition.)
Ex-astronaut’s breathtaking photos change how we view Earth’s geography
An article featuring astronaut Leroy Chiao mentions that he gave a talk and presented his photos at Rice’s Moody Center for the Arts Nov. 7.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Dec. 2 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared in the San Antonio Express-News and San Francisco Chronicle.)
The historic West Mansion — a remnant of Houston’s cattle ranching, oil and space eras — is razed
An article about the West Mansion in Clear Lake mentions that Rice once owned the property.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared in the Dec. 1 print edition of the Chronicle’s “Extra: Week in Review” and a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
A ‘Wild’ guess: Chemistry award goes to physical science department chair
Rice’s summer internships are mentioned.
San Jacinto College News (This article also appeared in the Dec. 1 print edition of the Houston Chronicle’s Opportunity News.)
What’s at Houston galleries this week
An arts roundup mentions that Rice’s Moody Center for the Arts will exhibit “Moon Shot” through Dec. 21.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared in the Nov. 29 print edition and a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
Outside the Megaplex: Here are the Houston arthouse movies showing Nov. 29-Dec. 5
A roundup of alternative Houston-area movie theaters mentions that Rice Cinema will screen “The Movie of My Life” Dec. 3 and “Desert” Dec. 4, and it will present “Low-Fi,” a collection of unusual films from the Rice Cinema archive, Dec. 5.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared in the Nov. 29 print edition and a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
Family outing: Paloma bird event flies into Discovery Green
An article features the collaborative artwork of Lina Dib, lecturer in Rice’s Program in Writing and Communication. Dib created “Here and Now,” the complementary sound recording for Discovery Green’s new public art piece “Paloma,” on view through Feb. 24, 2020.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article appeared in the Nov. 29 print edition and a previous edition of Dateline when it was first posted online.)
http://dateline.rice/dec-2-dib |