‘New Day Weekend with Victor Blackwell and Christi Paul’
President David Leebron is interviewed about Rice’s fall restart and the measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
CNN on Youtube (This segment aired twice.)
Opinion: Vaping increases COVID-19 dangers, but don’t ban it
Katharine Neill Harris, the Alfred C. Glassell, III, Fellow in Drug Policy at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, and William Martin, the Harry & Hazel Chavanne Professor Emeritus of Religion and Public Policy and Sociology, co-authored an op-ed.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Aug. 30 print edition.)
Thursday’s Houston Matters: The latest updates on Hurricane Laura (Aug. 27, 2020)
Marah Short, associate director of the Center for Health and Biosciences at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is interviewed about the complications of a hurricane evacuation amid a pandemic.
Houston Public Matters (This segment also aired on KUHF-FM in Houston.)
http://dateline.rice/aug-31-short (Interview begins at 43:10.)
UAE and Israel deal opens doors to business
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, fellow for the Middle East at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is quoted.
RFI.fr (This Agence France-Presse article also appeared in 10 other media outlets.)
Football 2020: Mike Bloomgren thinks Rice is ready to turn corner
An article featuring Rice’s football program quotes head coach Mike Bloomgren and assistant coach Scott Vestal. The article mentions assistant coach Hans Straub, Director of Athletics Joe Karlgaard and former head coach David Bailiff. Rice football is featured or mentioned in the two additional articles.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Aug. 30 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared online in the San Francisco Chronicle.)
College Football News preview 2020: Rice Owls
College Football News
The Athletic 76: Preseason rankings of every FBS team playing a fall season
The Athletic (Subscription is required.)
Conference USA preseason predictions for every game
College Football News
College Football News preview 2020: Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
College Football News
Football 2020: Pandemic just part of state’s challenges in 1918
An article features Rice’s 1918 football team, which competed in the Southwest Conference amid the Spanish Flu pandemic. The article mentions Phil Arbuckle, Rice’s first athletic director, former head coaches John Heisman and John Anderson, former assistant coach Jack Coombs, and former Owl Shirley Brick.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Aug. 30 print edition.)
Friday Night Lights rolls on in COVID-19 era
Alumnus Robert Hubble is quoted.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the Aug. 30 print edition of the Chronicle, and it appeared online in the San Antonio Express-News.)
Disasters are driving a mental health crisis
An article cites collaborative research by Rice and the Texas Flood Registry that determined 50% of Houston-area residents have wrestled with powerful or severe emotional distress since Hurricane Harvey made landfall in 2017.
The Center for Public Integrity (This article appeared in Grist, EnviroLink, KERA Online and a previous edition of Dateline.)
Steelers working out free agent punter
Former Rice football player Chris Boswell is quoted.
Heavy.com (This article also appeared in Entertainment OverDose.)
Meet the MBA Class of 2022: The COVID cohorts
A pair of articles feature the following students at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business: Rachel Garforth, Leo Flores and Pedro Martinez-Berrios.
Poets & Quants (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in Yahoo! Finance and Yahoo! Hong Kong.)
Meet the MBA Class of 2022: Pedro Martinez-Berrios, Rice University (Jones)
Poets & Quants (Subscription is required.)
Football 2020: AAC’s five things to watch
An article mentions that the Bayou Bucket football game between Rice and the University of Houston was postponed earlier this year.
Houston Chronicle (Subscription is required. This article also appeared in the San Antonio Express-News.)
Author Dan Brown goes ‘Wild’ for classical music
An article about Dan Brown’s “Maestro Mouse Reprise” mentions that it was originally scheduled to be performed at Stude Concert Hall at Rice’s Shepherd School of Music, but it was moved to an alternate venue due to the pandemic.
Houston Chronicle’s “Preview” (Subscription is required.)