Will Robedee, general manager of KTRU, received the Joel Willer Award for “exceptional dedication and service to student electronic media” at the National Student Electronic Media Conference last month in Seattle.
University Representative Y. Ping Sun received a Friendship Ambassador Award from the Houston chapter of the U.S. China People’s Friendship Association at its annual gala Nov. 7. The goal of this nonprofit educational organization is to build active and lasting friendship and cultural ties between the United States and China. Sun was honored for her efforts to promote relations in education, friendship and business.
Brad Burke, managing director of the Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship, and Mary Lynn Fernau, marketing director for the Rice Alliance, were published in the Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy–2014 by the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. The chapter they wrote outlined best practices for Rice’s entrepreneurship programs and courses and the Rice Business Plan Competition.