Continuing Studies to offer bounty of courses this spring

The spring course catalog for the Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies will be hitting mailboxes this week, and it’s chock-full of interesting offerings, from Space Exploration in the 21st Century, Understanding Microbes from Gut to Globe and Unlocking the Mysteries of Sharks to courses in arts, humanities and sciences, foreign languages and personal and professional development. Most courses are held in the school’s new state-of-the-art Anderson-Clarke Center and are discounted 10-50 percent for Rice faculty, staff and eligible dependents. Benefits-eligible faculty and staff may also apply for tuition reimbursement for job-related courses at the Glasscock School. Rice alumni receive a discount on nonlimited enrollment courses in arts, humanities and sciences, personal finance and some lifestyle courses. Visit for course information and registration or call 713-348-4803. 

About Jeff Falk

Jeff Falk is director of national media relations in Rice University's Office of Public Affairs.