Rice senior named Luce Scholar

Lovett College senior Nick Thorpe is one of 18 Luce Scholars for 2015-2016. He was nominated by Rice and chosen for the nationally competitive fellowship program from 156 nominees who have a record of high achievement, outstanding leadership ability and potential for professional accomplishments.

Nick Thorpe

The Henry Luce Foundation established the program to enhance the understanding of Asia among potential leaders in American society. Thorpe will receive a stipend while he completes two months of summer language training followed by 10 months of professional placement in an Asian country. Luce Scholars gain new perspectives and cultural insights on their host countries through immersive living and working experiences in Asia.

Thorpe will graduate in May with a double major in political science and environmental policy. As an undergraduate, he has focused on understanding domestic and international energy, environment and policy issues, and on finding workable solutions in the private and public sectors.

With the help of Leadership Rice and the Baker Institute for Public Policy, Thorpe interned in Washington, D.C., for two summers. He first worked for a nonpartisan policy think tank and then for the U.S. Trade Representative in the Environment and Natural Resources Office, where he learned more about how the federal government works and about the use of trade policy to enforce environmental provisions.

He said hopes his year in Asia will be a “completely transformative experience — personally, culturally and professionally.”

“I am hoping to understand more about the manner in which the Asian region is facing energy and environmental issues, especially in comparison with how Latin American countries are addressing similar issues,” Thorpe said. “As a Venezuelan-American and someone interested in Latin America as well as comparative politics, I would like to learn more about best practices and how both communities and governments are working on energy and environmental challenges.”

Thorpe is especially interested in community development and how communities are facing issues related to energy demand, deforestation, susceptibility to climate change and other challenges.

“I am still in the process of determining my internship and country placement, but I am fascinated by Southeast Asia, which is arguably the world’s most-developing region in terms of energy demand and economic development,” Thorpe said. “While the region is determining how to undergo such development, the countries of Southeast Asia are also addressing environmental issues, from wildlife trafficking to endangered species to overfishing.”

The Henry Luce Foundation was established in 1936 by Henry R. Luce, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Time Inc., to honor his parents, who were missionary educators in China.

Rice students and alumni who would like to be considered for the Luce Scholars Program should contact Madalina Akli, assistant director of global engagement, at madalina@rice.edu or 713-348-3631.

About Arie Passwaters

Arie Wilson Passwaters is editor of Rice News.