Wade runs the world

We caught up with former All-American cross-country runner Becky Wade ’12 and her coach, Jim Bevan, to talk about her journey from Rice Owl to Watson Fellow to author of her first book, “Run the World.” The book is based on the running communities she visited around the world during her Watson Fellowship. An excerpt from the book is included in the Summer 2016 issue of Rice Magazine and can be read here.


About Brandon Martin

Greetings, I am a video producer at Rice University in the Office of Public Affairs. I became a Rice Owl in June 2011. Before that, I was at KPRC-TV in Houston as a special projects photojournalist for seven years, where I covered everything from hurricanes to sports. Southeast Texas has been my home my entire life. I am lucky to have a wonderful wife and two of the cutest girls I have ever seen. Go Owls!