Summer issue of Rice Magazine offers poolside reading

Rice Magazine

The latest issue of Rice Magazine is out and full of stories for poolside reading as summer draws to a close:

Summer A to Z
While the majority of students left Rice for the summer to pursue internships, jobs, study abroad fellowships or just some needed R&R, the Rice campus stayed fully occupied with visitors of all ages to the colleges, classrooms and playing fields. From the AP Summer Institute to the Houston Zoo, an alphabetized compendium lists cool things give Rice its unique summer vibe.

The puzzle solver
Matthew Wettergreen ’08, a lecturer and undergraduate student team adviser in the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen, has always loved puzzles. As a specialist in bioengineering, prototyping and community building, Wettergreen sees each new engineering task as a puzzle to solve — and an opportunity for interactive learning. Jana Olson ’15 interviews Wettergreen in this issue of Rice Magazine.

Ultimate win
The Rice women’s Ultimate Frisbee team, Torque, won its second national championship at the 2015 USA Ultimate Division III College Championships in May.


About Rice News Staff

The Rice News is produced weekly by the Office of Public Affairs at Rice University.