People, papers and presentations

The MD Anderson Leadership Institute at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Prism Award 2020 nominee. The program is supported by CoachRICE, the ICF-accredited coach training program at Rice’s Doerr Institute for New Leaders. The Doerr Institute provided MD Anderson with the curriculum, training, measurement tools and supervision to create an internal program aligned with stringent ICF standards.

Approximately 900 researchers from around the world participated in a webinar titled “Patchwork Ethnography,” held June 24-25 and co-organized by Gökçe Günel, an assistant professor of anthropology and director of undergraduate studies at Rice; Saiba Varma from the University of California, San Diego; and Chika Watanabe from the University of Manchester. The concept of patchwork ethnography seeks to draw attention to how researchers’ lives affect the processes of anthropological knowledge production. The event was part of the Webinars on the Future of Anthropological Research initiative, supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

About Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is a senior editor in Rice University's Office of Public Affairs.